Barn Owls is open from 8am-6pm Mon to Fri for 51 weeks of the year (excluding Bank Holidays). We accept two, three and four year funding. We offer full day care and sessional care for children aged from 8 months - 5 years. Sessions run from 9am-1pm and 1pm-5pm.
All staff are qualified or are training towards a recognised Early Years qualification to ensure we offer high quality care and education for the children. Staff regularly update training in line with current legislation within Early Years. We take safeguarding very seriously, all staff have safeguarding training as well as first aid and hold a food safety certificate.

All staff are DBS checked. We offer the children a safe, secure and stimulating environment in which to establish, develop and form stable relationships, whilst learning to co-operate with each other and adults.
We aim to show consideration to the children as individuals, irrespective of their race, gender or special educational needs allowing them to develop independence and social skills at their own pace with care and support of the staff.

Find Us
Barn Owls Nursery,
Barn Hayes Farmhouse,
Frome St. Quintin,
Dorset DT2 0HG
Tel - 01935 83177
Email - [email protected]
Contact Us
We'll reply as soon as we can
Outdoor Play
As we have a large outdoor area our aim is for the children to be outside for a majority of the day, offering opportunities to stimulate their interest and curiosity. We observe how important outside play is to a child. Mud plays a vital role in a typical Barn Owls day, we are very lucky to have a well equipped mud kitchen. We encourage the children to investigate mud, recognising just how important it is to a child's overall development.

All meals are provided. At snack time there will be fruit and a drink of milk or water, lunch will be a 2-course meal, freshly cooked on the premises. If your child has any special dietary needs these will be catered for. Afternoon tea will consist of a hearty snack. Menus for the week are emailed to the parents.
Early Years Foundation Stage
The children’s activities are planned to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage. The following areas of learning are covered: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development; Communication and Language; Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; Expressive Arts and Design. We encourage child initiated play at all times, children’s choices, interests, and contributions to activities are listened to and, when possible, accommodated.